Exhibitor Directory 2024
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ALDI SÜD - Projektentwicklung Stuttgart

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ALDI SÜD - Your local supplier with real estate expertise

Company profile

ALDI SÜD is the local supplier with real estate expertise and is ready for cooperation as a developer of ideas. Together with cities and project partners, we develop tailor-made, space-saving real estate concepts - also in Stuttgart. This strengthens the infrastructure and revitalizes city centres. Throughout our region, new mixed-use properties are being created that revitalize retail locations, strengthen local infrastructure and create added value in the neighbourhood. Our project development offices in Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart and Munich are driving the development of urban stores, while new developments are also being created outside these hotspots.

The architectural diversity at the ALDI SÜD Group is reflected in creative ideas and unusual projects. From small listed stores to larger spaces in urban centers with additional uses - anything is possible. Together with partners, we create apartments, kindergartens, retail uses, cafés and spaces for restaurants and alternative mobility options.

Our flexibility and creativity are also reflected in the realization. We buy, develop and build completely ourselves, lease land or rent finished store units. All constellations are conceivable, even in combination. Visit us at our stands in Metropole Ruhr, Rhineland-Pfalz, City of Frankfurt am Main, City of Cologne, City of Munich and the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation to find out more about our projects and the opportunities for cooperation. We look forward to welcoming you.

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ALDI SÜD - Projektentwicklung Stuttgart
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